Church and Community Links

Church Links

We have very close links with our neighbouring church, Christchurch Shaw. Rev Jane Palmer is a member of our Governing Body. She is a part of the Shaw School family and regularly takes Collective Worship for us. She also helps us to celebrate when we meet in Church for festivals such as Harvest, Christmas and Easter. These services are a very special part of Shaw School life and there is usually standing room only in the church!

Several members of the Christchurch congregation are also regular visitors, either as reading helpers or as part of our "Open The Book" assembly team. They dress up and act out Bible stories and help to make assemblies come to life.

Church Links

Reverend Jane Palmer

Reverend Jane Palmer

Community Links

We have good links with our community and love sharing our amazing school buildings with organisations such as Shaw Beavers and various exercise and keep fit groups.

  • We support Melksham Food Bank each year through our Harvest collections.
  • We have good links with Melksham Library. Many of our children take part in the Summer Reading challenge each year.
  • We also enjoy taking part in wider community Sport through membership of West Wilts Sports Partnership.
  • We support national charities such as Children in Need and Red Nose Day