Collective Worship

Collective worship is a central part of the school day for children. It is an opportunity for us to gather together to worship God, to consider spiritual and moral issues and to explore our own beliefs. The children take active participation through being part of our Assembly Crew, leading in prayer, acting, singing and supporting worship. Our worship has a distinctively Christian theme and we develop a theme across the term with the children. We select themes based on the needs of our school and members of our community.

We have 6 Christian themes throughout the year which include our Shaw values of; Courage, Respect, Creativity and Compassion. Our School Behaviour Policy entwines these values.

The themes that we follow include the below:

  • Courage
  • Creativity
  • Peace
  • Trust
  • Forgiveness
  • Justice
  • Thankfulness
  • Friendship
  • Hope
  • Compassion
  • Truthfulness
  • Humility
  • Generosity
  • Respect & Reverence
  • Wisdom
  • Perseverance
  • Service
  • Responsibility

During celebration worship we ensure the achievements of the children are celebrated. We do this through our ‘Let Your Light Shine’ certificate and our ‘Platinum Award’ – given for Intrinsic Motivation! (If you’re not sure what that means, ask on of our children!

To mark the special times in the Christian calendar, the children take part in celebration services such as Harvest, Christingle, Carol Services, an Easter celebration service. The children take an active part in the services and the local church lead and support in these celebrations. Most of these are held in our church.

During each week, our children engage in a daily act of worship.


Act of Worship


Whole school worship - Values based – Mr Brewer


Whole school worship – singing – Mrs Burke


In class worship following on from the theme on Monday


Whole school worship - Rev Jane - Values Assembly or Open The Book


Whole school celebration worship – Mr Brewer

Our Hall has recently been ‘refurbished’ to give it a clean, spiritual feel to support children with their reflection.