After over 21 years at Shaw CE Primary School, our current Principal, Kathryn Clark will be leaving the school for a new path in November.
We are proud to introduce Mr Tom Brewer, who will be joining as our new Principal.
First starting as a primary school teacher in Trowbridge 19 years ago, Mr Brewer has had a success filled career, obtaining his first headship at age 34, overseen consistently good ofsted reports as a head, and seeing many of his middle leaders move up to school leadership themselves. With a wealth of experience from EYFS to year 13, Mr Brewer has been a deputy headteacher in two schools and a headteacher in three schools to date.
Originally from Penzance in Cornwall, Tom lives in Trowbridge with his wife, also a primary school teacher, their children, and two cats, Mr Smartie and Skittles! He has also qualified as a contracted Ofsted Inspector himself earlier this year.
Asked why he was first inspired to get involved in teaching, Tom said: “I was inspired to be a teacher by my Year 3 teacher Mr Pike back in 1990. He made learning fun, he was fair and it was then that I decided all children deserved a teacher like him.”
But teaching is not his only talent: “I also wanted to be an opera singer and I have sung at the Albert Hall a few times but the pull to be a teacher was too much for me to ignore!”
Speaking about the opportunity to lead Shaw CE Primary School, Mr Brewer said, “I’d heard great things about the school during my time in Wiltshire and I know the area well. I’ve also heard several positive things about the White Horse Federation and after looking around the school and speaking to the children and staff, I knew I was going to be able to fit in perfectly and make a positive difference to the community at Shaw and the Wider WHF. Leading a church school with the church next door is going to be amazing!”
“I’m really excited to get to know the children, staff, and community. My first impressions of the school are that it’s got a warm and friendly environment, and has wonderful grounds and facilities.”
“The students were comfortable chatting to me about their learning and are clearly ready to learn and love their school. The staff were very welcoming and committed to their work for the children. I can’t wait to get to know everyone and get started!”
Simon Cowley, Executive Director of Primary Education at The White Horse Federation said about the appointment, “Tom has an excellent record of school leadership in his career so far, and I’m delighted to begin working with him.”
Over the coming weeks, Mr Brewer will be meeting parents at the school and getting to know everyone in the school community, and will also be taking the time to host a virtual event to make sure everyone has the chance to meet him.